“The Shelterwood Collective is a fierce embodiment of truth seeking, healing and joy-filled intergenerational community engagement rooted in climate resilient land stewardship. They neither shy away from nor sugar coat the arduous task of leaning into the contradictions of doing decolonial work on stolen land. Generously sharing their learnings along the way and hosting aligned organizations in the sanctuary of forest ecosystems they're restoring, Shelterwood's contributions of strengthening the land justice movement and creating a model 900 acre climate resilience zone are immeasurable.”
“Shelterwood is an incredible asset to our social justice and cultural movements. It's a place where we can rebuild our relationship to the natural world and relax in a healing environment that’s founded by and centers BIPOC change makers. It’s timely for this land project to exist at the intersection of climate justice, racial justice and artistic activism. I'm thrilled to support the organization’s cultural strategy development and to bring artists and cultural workers to this magical forest.”
Favianna Rodriguez, Artist and Activist
“I’m so grateful to be in this practice of coming home into ourselves. It’s the violence of colonialism that keeps us apart and when I touch the ground here at Shelterwood, it’s the safest I’ve ever felt in nature.”